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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones


GROWTH isn't always comfortable & your process of GROWING isn't always beautiful.

Be careful not to allow your feelings to misplace you because a part of your process doesn't "feel" or "look" like God (so we say).

It's important to understand that God doesn't give us instructions based on how we feel and neither does He put how we feel above His Word (Bible) and His Words.

I'm reminded of a video I once shared of Dr. Dharius Daniels speaking on Job. (You should check it out - awesome teaching).

I want to further add to what he said: To the world it looked as if Job was losing - and naturally he did lose everything. BUT at the same time - in the spirit he was being elevated. In the spirit He was growing. In the spirit he was advancing.

When we are able to STAND when our FAITH is challenged, that's when GROWTH begins to take place.

See...a lot of people seek to gain solely in the natural realm.

They determine an individual's growth by their wealth and material possessions.

But Mark 8:36 tells us: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

This lets me know that our businesses can grow, our ministries can grow, our bank accsount can grow, but none of those things are more important than doing our spiritual growth work!!!!!!!!

God will release and advance in the (spirit realm)- those who He finds FAITHFUL.

Those He can trust.

Those He can "recommend."


Higher rankings in the spirit to tear down high ranking demonic principalities, demonic forces, and the kingdom of darkness in general.

God, we repent and we position/reposition ourselves in our rightful places.

God, help us to be trustworthy that you may find us faithful.

Father help us not to seek worldly gain but rather seek to gain and grow in the Kingdom of God.

We pray that you are able to find favor in us.

We pray that you not only see growth in our works, but most importantly see the growth in us.

We sumbit to You and Your will for our lives O God.

We commit to GROWING in YOU!!!!

Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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