Listennnn!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
✅Although most plants produce fruit the first year from seeds, some fruit trees may not bear fruit for 5 to 15 years after the seed has been planted. 🤔
✅The saguaro plant (one of the slowest growing plants) doesn’t begin to flower until it’s about 60 years old. 😮
✅The saguaro grows just one inch in the first ten years of its life. 😱
✅The world's slowest growing tree is a White Cedar, located in Canada. After 155 YEARS, it has grown to a height of 4 inches and weighs only 6/10th of an ounce.
Sharonda, what are you saying?
At some point - you gotta PRODUCE!!!
Although your rate/speed of growth may not be the most common or equal to the majority - eventually you've got to PRODUCE!!!
Every seed God planted in you MUST COME FORTH.
At some point you should be breaking the grounds and springing forth!!!!!
WOMAN ARISE!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥