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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones

Breath of Life

God did NOT make a mistake when be created you.

•Some of you feel that your life is jacked up.

•Some of you regret all the time you lost and you're still not where you want to be.

•Some of you regret decisions you made in the past that set you where you are now - and you hate it here.

•Some of feel that there is no reason to keep going or living.

•Some of you said "just forget it....ain't no need.... I'm done trying....."

God is getting ready to RESUSCITATE not only you, but your life.

Satan's will for your life SHALL NOT prevail!!!!!!!!

I speak to the dead areas in your life - those areas that God has ordained to live - I command them to arise like the dry bones Ezekiel prophesied life into.

"Behold I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live." Ezekiel 37:5

Father blow your breath on your people, that they may live.

New mindset.

Renewed hope.

Elevated faith.

New sight.

Fresh anointing.

In the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!

Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live!!!!!! Ezekiel 37:9

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