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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones

Fear of Saying “No”

Don’t allow people to force their obligations on you without your consent. It’s low key manipulation. ‼️


✅It’s okay to say “no” ever after they assumed you were going to commit without asking you.

✅It’s okay to politely call people out (personally - not indirectly) and stand up for yourself.

✅It’s okay to break the cycle.

✅It’s okay if they feel you’re acting “brand new.”

✅You have a voice - use it!!!

✅Don’t be afraid of confrontation.

People will use you as long you allow them to.

If the relationship was fine until you said no, or until you confronted the matter, it wasn’t genuine to begin with and most likely you were being used anyway.

Fear of saying “no” will create so much bondage, stress, and headaches for you.

It doesn’t matter what title or position they hold in your life, don’t let someone else write their own version of YOUR STORY and expect you to roll with it.

✅What you have to say matters.

✅How you feel matters.

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