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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones

Peace of Mind

We can pretty much dictate what type of environment we live in at home, at work, at church, school, etc..

What are these environments like in your life?

Now let me ask:

What’s the environment of your mind like? 🤔

How does the environment we live in daily, impact our mental environment?

What are our thoughts? Thought patters?

As a believer, on a daily basis, what are the details of your thoughts? Godly? Ungodly?

What percentage or portion of our thoughts align with the Word of God?

Yesterday God spoke to me concerning “Peace of Mind."

We’d be surprised how much our thought-life weighs on the outcome of our present lives.

This is why the enemy’s main attack is our minds!

He doesn’t have to touch our families, children, spouses, none of the external things. All he has to do is plant ONE ungodly thought in our mind.

If we don’t learn to cast it down - satan will have us doing his work against ourselves!!! 🎯😩

I challenge you today to assess the environment of your mind.

What’s growing?

What needs to be plucked up?

What are you battling?

Why are you battling?

God wants our minds under subjection of His authority and Word - not our own and neither satan’s.

Check what you’re feeding your eyes and ears -

this will help you determine what’s growing in the mind!!! 🎯

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Linda Frey
Linda Frey
Apr 02, 2023

Its so hard when you have been going through so many things for so long.. it's like how do you pull yourself out of it? Some days you think that your strong and maybe you are that day.. but then you feel so week.

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