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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones

Rise & Bloom


This weather has been something. One week it's muggy and raining and the next week it's sunny and extremely hot.

My rose bushes are blooming beautifully one week, and the next week their burnt to a crisp. This has been happening the last few months.

As I pulled into my driveway today and laid eyes on the newly budding petals forming, and even the greenery gaining its color from brown to green.

I then heard " The most important part is that it DID NOT DIE!!!"

See these rose bushes encounter every season - Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer - and despite what they encounter - they never die!!!! They come back strong looking, and blooming like they were created to do.

Simply because they are still rooted!!! They refuse to die. They refuse to be permanently subdued and wiped out by weather conditions.

Isn't that amazing???!!!! What a Mighty God who would create such a beautiful work!!!!

May I encourage you reading this?

You have encountered so much.

You have been through so much.

You get through one season and here comes the rain again, here comes the 100 degree weather, here comes the storms....

But God will not let those things consume you!!!

When you are rooted in Jesus Christ - none of those things can take you out!!!!

No season lasts forever - THEY ALWAYS CHANGE.

Where you are now is not where you going.

It's NOT over for you!!!!!!

What you look like now, is only temporary.

Your blooming process has begun.

Make up your mind, that no matter what you go through, you will fight to live, you will fight to lead, you will fight to serve, you will fight to be the light, you will fight to do what God has purposed you to do.

Rise & Bloom - because you are fearfully and wonderfully created to do so!!! 🌹

(Above is an actual picture of the rose bush in front of my home).

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