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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones

Validated by God


There was a time I looked to a man to make me feel how I should have always felt about myself.

As a teenager with low self-esteem, when I became old enough to date, I felt that having a man's attention, getting hit on, or men wanting sex from me meant that I was beautiful...wanted.... and accepted.

Hear me clearly: I was soooo WRONG.

I felt that because I had "something" they wanted, it gave me some sort of "high".... a feeling of "worth".... a feeling I can't quite explain.

I'm sharing this because I know for sure there are women and young girls out there who are going through or may go through the same.

Women who are validated by and fueled by the attention of men are actually experiencing some deep rooted issues which include (but not limited to) low self-esteem, rejection, lack of self-value, etc...

You feel you aren't beautiful, so when a man calls you beautiful, it makes you feel special.

You feel you aren't loved or worthy to be loved, so when a man comes by "pretending" he loves you, you not only fall into his bed of lies, but you fall into his bed of fornication.

You've experienced being rejected by family and friends and some of you by your own parents, so when the wrong man comes along imposing as your protector, saying that he will never break your heart, or that he will never do anything to hurt you - the rejection on you begins to draw him like a magnet.

Because that's what you "needed" to hear and feel. And of course, that's only long enough for him to get exactly what he wanted in the beginning.

So the group of women I'm addressing today.... You don't have a problem with men..... you have a problem with YOU.

When I took time out with God... I discovered ME.

In God I became COMPLETE.

In God I became WHOLE.

I learned to accept ALL of ME.

I learned that I didn't need a man to validate me, I was validated the day I entered my mother's womb.

Getting married didn't heal the issues I was dealing with - so that's not the answer either.

The only answer is GOD!!!

Women, we must take time to heal.

Take time out to know yourself.

Some of you all are in relationships/marriages like a domino's effect and you're not taking time out for self-care, healing, restoration, and most importantly GOD.

Protect your heart...Close the candy shop and open your bible. Open your mind. Open your eyes and see that you are worth far more than what you're accepting. 💜💜💜

~Purpose PullHer~

I offer Relationship Mentoring!!! If you’re ready, consider booking a session with me. You’ll be glad you did!!! 😉

Woman Arise!!!! 💜💜💜

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