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Writer's pictureSharonda Jones

Who Am I???

Who are you?‼️‼️‼️

Not in your eyes, but in the eyes of God.

What did GOD create you to do?

Are you seeking God, our creator, for these answers?

If no, why not?

He created us, He formed us, He blew His breath in us - so who better to seek and ask outside of Him?

Knowing your identity is vital to fulfilling your God-given purpose.

Until you know who you truly are in God, you will not walk in your calling effectively and successfully.

I’ve noticed that many women say they know who they are based on other titles (Mom, wife, Leader, etc). , what they do, and who they’re connected to.

But who you truly are is the woman you are standing alone. No job titles, no handles, no duties - just you and God.

I feel in my spirit that there are women who will read this that really need to take some time with God and ask Him “Who Am I and what is my assignment in the earth.”

I know this isn’t easy - because identity was one of my struggles.

As women, we are pulled in so many directions. Some of us became mothers at a young age…

Some grew up in homes where you had to step into adulthood at an early age…

Some grew up in abusive and dysfunctional homes and had to fight to live and fight for your life - so you really had no time to even entertain this portion of your life.

Some grew up in homes full of drugs and alcohol - so your addictions became your identity.

Some were mishandled, inappropriately touched, leaving scars that became your fears and shaped your identity.

Some had others to care for - siblings, cousins, family, parents, etc. - you were busy giving life and keeping others afloat, you had no time to think about yourself.

The list goes on….

Listennnn ‼️‼️‼️

Everything you went through was for purpose.

Everything you experienced.

Even things you done or brought on yourself.

God is going to use it all for His Glory!!!!

What God put in you shall not die!!!

Woman Arise!!! 🔥🔥🔥🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💜💜💜

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